Wednesday, March 9, 2011

From Franci....

I haven't wanted to blog on Huascar lately because we have been struggling to meet with people and make new contacts there. So, what do I do? Pass of the problem to Franci! I told her today to help me with the blog and to write down what's going on in Huascar and how she feels about it in her own words. Here is what she gave me.....

En Huascar hemos empezado a trabajar las ultimas semanas de Enero. Hasta el momento tenemos 5 contactos. Pero lo que pasa es que estas personas cuando vamos a visitar, no estan en casa y es el motivo que no empezamos con ninguna clase. A veces estamos preocupadas porque no podemos empezar con las clases, y estamos orando cada dia por Huascar para entender lo que Dios quiere que hagamos y tambien hicimos un festival de ninos y se reunieron muchos ninos y a estos ninos, les citamos para un dia viernes pero por la lluvia no se reunieron.

In Huascar we started to work the last few weeks in January. Up to this moment we have 5 contacts. But what happens is that when we go to visit these people, they are not in thier house and for this reason we have not started with any class (lessons on the Bible). Sometimes we are worried because we cannot start the class and we are praying everyday for Huascar to understand what God wants us to do. Also we had a kids festival and many kids came, with these kids we set a date weekly, Friday, to meet but we have not been able to meet with them due to the rain.

So that's it. That's what's going on in Huascar in the words of my partner, Francisca. Its brief and to the point. I can't really blame her for not knowing anything about blogs as I didn't really know anything about blogs until I started mine almost a year ago. I'll continue to have Franci write some notes about what's going on in our locations over the next 16 months. I want everyone to hear from her as well as we are partners, sisters and friends in our lives here and in this work.

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