Well, I haven't blogged about Huascar since March! Oye! I could say that I have been really busy, which is true, or too tired to think about blogging at the end of the day, which is also true. But, the real reason I haven't blogged in so long about Huascar is that most days I feel like there's nothing good going on there. We struggle to make new contacts in Huascar and have even stopped visiting some people because we would knock on their door week after week after week and they are either not there or tell us they don't have time to learn about the Bible. Huascar has proven to be very difficult and frustrating. Its hard to blog when I feel like this, I want to tell you all that everything is perfect and share amazing stories of how God is working. But in Huascar, God's work sometimes seems invisible. I know that He is working in this place. I know He is touching hearts and opening eyes and ears to Him.
As I've said before, these communities are like our children, Franci and I have three kiddos. And each community (child) has its own personality, character, strengths and weaknesses. My parents have always told Brooke and I that they treat us differently because we are different people. They punished us and rewarded us in our own special ways to match our personalities. Well, the same goes for these communities. What works in Yanamayo, doesn't necessarily work in Huascar. What works iin Huascar won't necessarily work in Chucuito. So, we are still finding out what works in Huascar. I am learning that in Huascar we need a lot of patience with these people. I am also learning we need to be consistent to show them the importance of Christ in our lives and that we need to be something stable in their lives.
The thing that makes me excited and encouraged in Huascar are the kids. The kids come to our weekly Bible and English class on Friday afternoons. We have fun, color, learn about the Bible, sing in English, and play volleyball. God uses these smiling faces and loving hugs to remind me He is working in Huascar.
Here are some pictures of the kids in Huascar while Mom and Dad were here. We had the opportunity to visit the Wawa Wasi daycare to pass out toys to the children as well as share toys with all the kids in our weekly class as well.
Mom with Lucero and Ruby, Ruby is also known as prince, short for princesa (princess), no wonder she and I immediatley connected!
Davis and Lucero, Isn't Davis adorable! Dad took these pictures.
Praying before we start our Bible lesson. Obviously the kids are still learning to bow their heads in silence!
Dad with Davis in the Wawa Wasi and kids coloring their lesson sheet in our class outside.
Dad playing with Valeria, Ruby, Rodrigo and Davis at the Wawa Wasi and Rodrigo outside playing with his present from the States, a wooden toy car, a big hit with all the kids!
I say to God my Rock,
"Why have you forgotten me?
Why must I go about mourning,
oppressed by the enemy?"
My bones suffer mortal agony
as my foes taunt me,
saying to me all day long,
"Where is your God?"
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him
my Savior and my God.
Psalm 42:9-11
Be with Franci and I in prayer for Huascar. Pray that we would not be discouraged and downcast, pray that the devil would not prevail in this place. But pray that we would have hope in Him, that we would praise Him for every little victory in this community, that we would see His mercies and His miracles no matter how hidden or small. Thank Him for the children in Husacar, for their faithfulness to our weekly class and for their excitment to learn about the Bible.
Thank you for your love and prayers for this community and for Franci and I as we work with these people. They are very much needed!